May 11, 2020

The Towns of Bluffton & Hilton Head Support LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth’s Efforts During May Mental Health and Substance Use Awareness Month
The Town of Bluffton and the Town of Hilton Head Island issued a Proclamation declaring May Mental Health and Substance Use Awareness Month. The proclamation aims to increase public awareness and action around positive mental health and substance use prevention. The proclamation addresses mental health and substance use as it pertains to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The proclamations acknowledge that during this unprecedented time individuals may be struggling with social isolation, fear, anxiety, and uncertainty and may be at risk for mental and/or substance use disorders. It also recognizes that the pandemic has affected people across the lifespan and created barriers for people to access mental health and substance resources and treatment. Furthermore, the proclamation stresses the need to understand public health issues, so all can work together to increase positive mental health and prevent substance use. The Towns of Bluffton and Hilton Head Island have given long-standing support in joining with LCAHY in promoting healthy lifestyles in their communities.