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Managing Stress: Tips for Teens

Above the Influence

  • An innovative and interactive website that helps you take a look at yourself. There might come a point when you ask yourself, who am I really? Am I being real? Am I still the kid my parents think I am? And more importantly, who do I want to be?

Drug Facts:  High School and Youth Trends

  • ​The National Institute on Drug Abuse explores the results and impacts of a survey of 8th – 12th-grade students regarding the top drugs used. Extensive scientific information on various drugs of abuse is available, as well as prevention aides and health guides. NIDA strives to always encourage youth to seek the facts when it comes to drug use and abuse!

NIH (NIDA) for Children & Teens 

  • ​Get the Facts! NIDA wants you to be informed with the facts, not the word on the street. Get the inside information on how different drugs can affect the brain and the body and what you can do to get involved.

Marijuana: Facts for Teens

Marijuana: Facts for Teens-Spanish

Kids Health

  • Support and advice on health, emotions, and life-designed for teens and approved by doctors.

National Highway Traffic Safety Association

  • Explore laws regarding distracted driving, drunk and impaired driving, tips for safe and defensive driving, as well as vehicle safety. Be an informed and safe driver and passenger!

NIDA For Teens

  • NIDA for Teens educates middle and high school students on the science behind drug use/abuse.  “For Teens” includes Drug Facts, Drugs & Health Blogs, Multimedia Activities & Videos.

National Drug Facts Week

  • ​(NDFW) is a national health observance for teens to promote local events that use NIDA science to shatter the myths about drugs. This online guide gives you everything you need to plan, promote, and host your NDFW event.

Operation Prevention

  • ​The DEA and Discovery Education have joined forces to combat a growing epidemic of prescription opioid misuse and heroin use nationwide. Operation Prevention’s mission is to educate students about the true impacts of opioids and kick-start lifesaving conversations in the home and classroom.

Teen Dating Violence (CDC)

  • The CDC describes Teen Dating Violence and how to prevent it among teens.

U.S. Surgeon General Advisory on Social Media


  • Youth.Gov offers tips/ resources for Preventing youth suicide, after an attempt, and also groups at risk.

Teen Stress Fact Card

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