April 24, 2021
The LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) and their youth coalition, Teens for Health Youth (THY) collaborated with Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO), and Beaufort County Drug and Alcohol Department (BCADAD) to promote DEA’s National Rx Take Back Day April 24, 2021. LCAHY board members promoted the event by sharing Take Back Day information across the twelve community sectors via Facebook, email, newspaper, TV, and Nixel. LCAHY, THY , BCSO, and BCADAD collected 53 pounds of Rx medications and passed out 65 LCAHY Rx Fact cards and 65 LCAHY Medication Safety cards to community members. LCAHY and THY members have participated annually in Take Back Day and plan to collaborate in the future to support National DEA Rx Take Back Day.