January 24th, 2022
Teens for Healthy Youth Launch Instagram During Mental Wellness Month
Teens for Health Youth (THY) launched its own Instagram account during January Mental Wellness Month. THY Advisors at Bluffton High and Hilton Head Christian Academy educated their THY members about teen mental wellness and shared ways teens could promote mental wellness using resources on LCAHY E-News click here. THY members then created their own Instagram postings to educate their peers on mental wellness. They hope the postings will inspire their peers to promote their mental wellness. The youth coalition plans to post daily around a focused monthly theme. In February, THY will focus on Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and Random Acts of Kindness Day, and in March the main focus will be National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week. THY’s postings will additionally be shared within their respective schools via the school’s website and social media platforms. To follow THY’s Instagram go to teensforthealthyyouth1 or click here.
