Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) created awareness for October Bullying Prevention Month in their schools. At Bluffton High, THY members read morning announcements daily to share bullying prevention tips with their peers and encourage teens to be an upstander and not a bystander to discourage bullying. During lunches, THY staffed a table where students & faculty could make Kindness Cards to send positive messages to individuals. THY delivered over 700 Kindness Cards with candy at the end of the day. In addition, each administrator, teacher, and staff member received an electronic version of THY's Cyberbullying Prevention Fact Card in English and Spanish and LCAHY’s E-news on Bullying Prevention. On October 18th, 2023, Unity Day students and teachers wore orange to show support for unity, inclusion, and kindness for all students and staff regardless of age, gender, race, or other factors. THY painted a banner and displayed it all month long in the atrium. Students played a Kahoot made by a THY member to educate peers on bullying prevention during class time. See Kahoot game at National Bullying Prevention Month Kahoot Game.
Members of THY at Hilton Head Christian Academy provided resources for teens that are bullied via the THY Instagram and their school’s Instagram. Teens for Healthy Youth acknowledge that bullying is a risk factor for substance use and hope that engaging youth and educators will discourage bullying and promote positive mental health in their schools.
THY Hilton Head Island High School also addressed bullying during the month of October. They created inspirational messages and quotes attached to lollipops. They encouraged Hilton Head Seahawks to take a stand against bullying.
THY created a banner for National Bullying Prevention Month to display in the atrium. Teens for Healthy Youth created posters to encourage their peers to participate in October Bullying Prevention Month by sending friends and peers kindness cards.
Bluffton High Teens for Healthy Youth members provide Kindness Cards for peers to write positive messages to friends and faculty during National Bullying Prevention Month.
THY members organize Kindness Cards to deliver to their peers and teachers to promote kindness during National Bullying Prevention Month.
Teachers at Bluffton High received Kindness Cards delivered by a THY member.
A sample of a Kindness Card delivered by THY to students and teachers.
THY Hilton Head High encouraged their peers to take a stand against bullying and distributed positive messages to students and faculty.
THY Cyber Bullying Fact Card information was shared electronically in English and Spanish with teachers and was incorporated into morning announcements to educate students. THY shared tips for acting against cyberbullying.
THY used their Instagram to educate teens on cyberbullying during October Bullying Prevention Month.
Hilton Head Christian Academy THY shared mental health resources with their peers during National Bullying Prevention Month.