At the Bluffton Town Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024, Teens for Healthy Youth Members, Ashlyn Elrod and Kyra Pasqualone accepted the National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Proclamation from Mayor Larry Toomer on behalf of Low Country Alliance for Healthy Youth. The proclamation creates awareness of this major public health issue among adolescents. See the Proclamation below. LCAHY also developed an E-News on National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month to share with the LCAHY Board and the community. To read LCAHY’s E-News and view Youth Suicide Resources click here. Accepting Proclamations at Town Council Meetings is an activity in LCAHY’s 12-Month Action Plan Under Strategy 7 of the Seven Strategies of Community Level Change.

Mayor Toomer proclaimed September Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in the town of Bluffton. Two Teens for Healthy Youth Members, Ashlyn Elrod and Kyra Pasqualone, accepted the proclamation on behalf of LCAHY at the Bluffton Town Council meeting.
