David Martin, LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth’s long-time board member and Business sector CIA representative to the coalition, was named recipient of the inaugural Joan and Wade Webster Community Impact Award. The Joan and Wade Webster Award’s purpose is to recognize an individual of the community who has made a substantially positive impact on a community through service. David Martin was selected for his endless contributions to LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth. Coordinating “We ID the LCAHY Way” to encourage businesses and festival volunteers to participate in training to learn how to properly ID was one noteworthy accomplishment mentioned in the award. David was commended for his efforts to work with Teens for Healthy Youth to post LCAHY’s signage to discourage establishments that sell and serve alcohol to minors around Coligny, a hotspot for underage drinking. He was recognized for choosing to not sell tobacco products at his grocery store to promote positive lifestyles. The $10,000 award was provided through the Joan and Wade Webster Community Impact Award. To view The Community Foundation of the Lowcountry’s video on David Martin visit CFL Joan & Wade Community Impact Award Video. David Martin was featured in the local newspaper, Hilton Head/Bluffton Sun and Bluffton and the Lowcountry Magazine. To read the complete article go to David Martin Community Impact Award. David Martin plans to use his award funds to donate to LCAHY and other community organizations that support youth.

Jackie Rossworm, Board of Chairs Community Foundation of the LowCountry, introduces and recognizes Joan and Wade Webster and David Martin during Community Foundation of the LowCountry’s Annual Community Meeting held March 29, 2023, at the Arts Center.

David Martin becomes the first community member to be awarded Joan and Wade Webster’s Community Award Recipient.