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LCAHY and THY Conduct an Environmental Scan at Local Gas Stations

Lowcountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) and youth coalition members, Teens for Healthy Youth (THY), conducted an environmental scan of over 20 Hilton Head Island, SC gas stations. LCAHY adapted its survey from the Counter Tools Survey and a previous environmental scan used by LCAHY that focused on alcohol, tobacco, vapes, and new trends like gas station heroin. THY members answered questions about advertisements that promoted the sales of alcohol, tobacco, vapes, and other new trends. They also recorded information on signage that included risks of substance use, signage about ID checks, and signage discouraging the sale to minors. The number of signage available in Spanish was also recorded. In addition, THY members assessed how easy it would be for youth to access alcohol or other drugs from the gas station. To view the environmental scan survey used by THY click here. THY members debriefed after the scans and made the following recommendations: businesses should post more signs in Spanish, should have warning signs that state the penalty for providing alcohol to minors, and should post signs that state the health risks of using alcohol.  THY will present their findings and recommendations during the next LCAHY board meeting. LCAHY received a grant from Smoke-Free SC and used some of the monies as an incentive for LCAHY board members for driving the teens to various locations. LCAHY plans to conduct a scan of the vape shops in Bluffton and Hilton Head SC during November Smoke-free and Vape Free Month. Conducting an environmental scan is an activity in LCAHY’s 12-Month Action Plan under Strategy 6 Change Physical Design under the Seven Strategies of Community Level Change.

Teens for Healthy Youth members from Hilton Head and Bluffton High conducted an environmental scan of gas stations in Hilton Head Island with LCAHY Board Members.

THY members surveyed signage outside of and inside the gas stations.

THY members will share their findings during LCAHY Board Meeting.


ONDCP Grant Award


LCAHY, a 501(c)(3), is a recipient of the Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program grant awarded by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Community Foundation of the Lowcountry serves as our fiscal agent.

National Drug Control Strategy 2024




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Lowcountry Alliance for Healthy Youth

O: 843-816-0205



Grant Year 8

Sep. 30th, 2024 - Sep. 29th, 2025


"Uniting the Community to Promote Positive Choices"

© 2024 by Lowcountry Alliance for Healthy Youth

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