LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) and Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) staffed an informational table at the Innova Latin Festival at Shelter Cove Park in Hilton Head. During the Latino festival, LCAHY Board Members and THY members engaged children in Halloween crafts while educating their parents about two October Health Observances: National Youth Substance Use Prevention Month and Medicine Abuse Awareness Month. LCAHY and THY’s Fact Cards targeting teens addressing the health risks of E-cigarettes, marijuana, underage drinking, and medicine misuse by youth. Additionally, LCAHY’s Rx Fact Card with year-round drop box locations, THY’s Medicine Safety Fact Card, THY’s Stress Fact Card, and LCAHY’s & THY’s informational brochure were distributed. The informational materials were made available in English and Spanish. An activity in LCAHY’s 12 Month Action plan includes educating the Hispanic community about the health risks of substance use by youth. LCAHY and THY plan to participate in this Latino festival annually to create an awareness of resources available through LCAHY and THY.

THY members make crafts with children at the 2022 Innova Latino Festival.

THY members educate middle schooler on dangers of E-cigarettes.

THY members hand out informational material at Innova Latino Festival on Hilton Head Island.
