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THY Participates in Town of Bluffton’s Launch of Lutzie 43 Campaign • 04/08/2019

Bluffton High April 8th, 2019

Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) at Bluffton and May River High Schools were invited by the Mayor to participate in the Town of Bluffton’s launching of the Lutzie43 Campaign. THY representatives also attended the town’s press conference. The Lutzie 43 Foundation aims to encourage and empower young people to be positive ambassadors for safe driving, carried out through 43 Key Seconds initiative. The Lutzie 43 Foundation was established in loving memory of Philip Lutzenkirchen, a college football player, after his tragic death from drunk and distracted driving. His father now speaks at schools to inspire young people to make better decisions as drivers and friends with the motto, “Live like Lutz, love like Lutz, and Learn from Lutz”. Students distributed the Lutzie43 key and lanyard to students attending the assembly to remind them to take 43 seconds before they drive to stop and prioritize safety in the car. THY is a youth coalition that promotes positive teen health. It is an initiative of the LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) and has representation in all southern Beaufort County high schools. LCAHY was founded in response to tragic crashes in which teens were driving under the influence. LCAHY’s vision is to unite the community to promote positive choices and healthy lifestyles for youth.

May River High, Bluffton High School


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