November 5th, 2019
Five Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) members of Bluffton and May River High School participated in an interview with WSAV at the Bluffton Police Department. WSAV TV interviewed the youth about the dangers of vapes, JUULS, and e-cigarettes. The teens discussed what they are seeing in their schools when it comes to JUULS, vapes, and e-cigarettes. The students were very candid in what they see and hear about students in Bluffton using these items. The teens reported that teen use of JUULS and vapes is very prevalent in their schools and communities. WSAV plans to use this interview as part of an in-depth story on teen use of e-cigarettes and the risks related to use of these products. The air date of the story is not known yet. The teens hope they will have a real impact on the viewers who see this story. The Bluffton Police Department and WSAV were very impressed with the youth and plan to incorporate Teens for Healthy Youth into more interviews like this in the future.