Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) encouraged their peers to be the first generation to end tobacco use during November National Tobacco Prevention month.
THY launched Kick Butts Day, a national initiative of Tobacco Free Kids, at Bluffton High school to discourage the use of all forms of tobacco. THY distributed 100 educational water bottles to fans during a varsity football game that contained informational flyers from truthiniative.org that highlighted the harmful effects of juuling on the teenage brain, such as increased chance of using cigarettes. The students also developed informative messages on juuls/e-cigarettes that were read during the morning announcements at school and at half-time during the football game.
The messages delivered are intended to increase perception of harm of juuls/e-cigarettes and decrease use of juuls/e-cigarettes. The youth focused their efforts on discouraging the use of juuls/e-cigarettes because reports from the CDC show a sharp increase of use by youth.
THY is an initiative of LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth, a recipient of the Drug Free Communities Grant.