Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) of Bluffton and Hilton Head Island High School participated in the Town of Bluffton Christmas Day Parade. THY members distributed over 2,000 3D Holiday Campaign messages to parade goers. The 3D messages were attached to candy canes and discouraged all from engaging in drunk, drugged, or distracted driving. Since 2012 LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) has promoted the National 3D Prevention Campaign. LCAHY was founded in 2012 as a result of a car crash in which impaired teens were severely injured and died. THY has participated annually in the parade since serving as the grand co-marshals of the parade in 2017. THY was selected as the grand co-marshals because of their initiatives to discourage drunk, drugged, and distracted driving.

3D Holiday Campaign messages distributed to parade goers.

Rebekah Lawson and Anna Gustowski THY members give candy canes with impaired driving message to parade goers

THY member, Bluffton High School, distributed THY’s 3D Holiday Campaign Message to parade goers.

THY members line up to march in Town of Bluffton’s Christmas Day Parade 2022.

THY members of Bluffton and Hilton Head High School proudly display their THY Banner during Town of Bluffton Christmas Day Parade.