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Teens for Healthy Youth Bluffton High School Participate in Angel Tree Christmas Project

Teens for Healthy Youth members at Bluffton High school collected money and purchased a holiday gift for the Children’s Abuse Prevention Agency (CAPA) Angel Tree Project. The gift will be distributed to a Bluffton youth via Bluffton High School’s social worker. THY, whose vision is to promote positive teen health, recognizes the importance of supporting youth who endured adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s). CAPA’s Angel Christmas Tree project serves children affected by child abuse and neglect. The annual service project provides an opportunity for THY to support one of its mission objectives which is to promote positive youth development through service. Teens for Healthy Youth, an initiative of the LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth, plan to participate annually in CAPA’s Angel Tree Project.

BLHS THY member shows the gift purchased by THY for CAPA’s Angel Tree Project.


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