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Teens for Healthy Youth Bluffton High School Educate Peers During September National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Updated: Nov 5, 2024

Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) at Bluffton High School educated their peers during National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. THY members shared the warning signs, risk factors, and the suicide hotline number with peers daily during the school’s morning announcements. They put up posters with the 988 Suicide Hotline number in the school bathrooms and stairways. They stuck magnets with the 988 Suicide Crisis Hotline number on each teacher classroom’s door or administrator’s office door. They also made posters with positive and encouraging messages to support peers who may be struggling with depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts. THY painted a large banner for September Suicide Awareness Month to display in front of the school and the cafeteria. THY also passed out Suicide Awareness bracelets with positive messages to peers arriving at school in the morning and initiated a dress-down day for students and faculty to wear teal and purple to support the cause. THY provided each faculty and staff member with the THY Suicide Awareness Fact card. See Fact Card below. LCAHY’s E-News on Suicide Awareness Prevention Month was shared with the faculty and staff. THY also addressed Suicide Awareness Month in Bluffton Student News. THY members created posts for Instagram to create awareness for September Suicide Awareness Month and educate the community. To see THY’s Instagram posts visit @lowco_thy or click here. This is an activity in LCAHY’s 12-month Action Plan under Strategy One Providing Information in the Seven Strategies of Community Level Change. THY addresses youth substance use prevention and related risk factors like suicide.

THY shared information from their THY Suicide Awareness Fact Card via morning announcements and Instagram. They also gave a fact card to all faculty and staff.

THY members read Suicide Prevention Awareness messages in English and Spanish with the school principal, Mr. Hall.

THY created a banner to display in front of the school.

THY members gave out Suicide Awareness Bracelets and stickers to students in the morning.

THY gave out over 500 Suicide Awareness Month bracelets to their peers. Students and faculty wore teal and purple to showcase awareness for Suicide Prevention Month.

THY members put up SAMSHA’s posters with the 988 Suicide hotline number in English and Spanish. THY members created posters with positive messages to support peers struggling with depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts.

THY gave magnets with the Suicide Crisis Hotline number to all administrators and teachers to post in their classrooms or offices.

THY created Instagram posts to share on their Instagram account and the school’s Instagram account.


ONDCP Grant Award

LCAHY, a 501(c)(3), is a recipient of the Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program grant awarded by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Community Foundation of the Lowcountry serves as our fiscal agent.

National Drug Control Strategy 2024




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Lowcountry Alliance for Healthy Youth

O: 843-816-0205



Grant Year 8

Sep. 30th, 2024 - Sep. 29th, 2025


"Uniting the Community to Promote Positive Choices"

© 2024 by Lowcountry Alliance for Healthy Youth

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