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LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth’s Youth Coalition Assist at DEA Take Back Day

The LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth’s youth coalition, Teens for Healthy Youth, assisted at the Hilton Head Island Sherriff’s Office DEA Take Back Day October 2022. During the event, community members dropped off Rx medications to the Hilton Hilton Sheriff’s Officers and THY distributed LCAHY’s Rx Drop Box Fact Card and Medicine Safety Tip Card. Twenty-three cars dropped off medications and 19 pounds of medication were collected. This is the first time that Hilton Head Sheriff’s Office was used as a location. LCAHY/THY plan to promote and help at the next Take Back Day which will occur in Bluffton in April 2023. The Take Back Day Event is sponsored by the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, Beaufort County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Department, and Low Country Alliance for Healthy Youth.

Teens for Healthy Youth assist with DEA Take Back Day.

THY member Bluffton High, Lucia Valladeras, educates community members about year-round RX Drop Off Locations.

Community member hands Sheriff’s Officer unused medications.


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