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LCAHY & THY Assist Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office at National DEA Take Back Day

The LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) co-sponsored Rx Take Back Day. Teens for Healthy Youth (THY), LCAHY’s Youth Coalition, assisted with distributing LCAHY’s Year-Round Rx Take Back Location Fact Cards to individuals returning their unused prescription medications. Two cars came to the Bluffton location, indicating that many community members are becoming accustomed to using LCAHY Rx Drop Box locations to return medications year-round. Assisting at Take Back Day is an activity in LCAHY’s 12-Month Action Plan to prevent and reduce medicine misuse under Strategy 4 Enhance Access and Reduce Barriers.

Teens for Healthy Youth members at Bluffton High School, Claudia Barrientos and Eduardo Boyd, observe a representative of the Sheriff's Office collecting medications during National DEA Rx Take Back Day.

This flyer was shared with community members to make them aware of DEA National Rx Take Back Day event in Bluffton.

LCAHY’s Year-Round Rx Drop Box Locations Fact Card is available in Spanish and English.


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