LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) recognized three outstanding members of Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) for their dedication and service to THY and LCAHY. The LCAHY Outstanding Senior Award is awarded annually to seniors of LCAHY’s Youth coalition, Teens for Healthy Youth, that promote positive teen health and choices through leadership, community service, peer to peer education, and advocacy. Ethan Barrera, Rosario Macias, and Molly Mau were chosen by LCAHY’s 2023 Outstanding Senior Selection Committee as recipients of LCAHY’s Outstanding Senior Award for their passion and determination to educate their peers and community on the importance of total health and wellness, including prevention of teen substance use and by addressing related risk behaviors like stress, bullying, and teen dating violence. A member of LCAHY’s Selection Committee presented the awards and
LCAHY’s Youth Coordinator highlighted the accomplishments of LCAHY’s Outstanding Senior Award recipients during LCAHY’s Annual THY Recognition ceremony for THY members, their parents, and school administrators. Ethan and Rosario’s THY Advisors at Bluffton High School noted that both played a key role in caring out THY initiatives at Bluffton High School in their role as Co-Presidents of Bluffton High THY and represented THY and LCAHY in the greater community by presenting during LCAHY’s May Mental Health Community Forum and staffing informational tables at multiple community events such as Safety Spooktacular and LCAHY’s May Day 5K. Both exhibited a deep passion for peer-to-peer education when presenting Prevention Plus Wellness and NIDA’s National Drug Facts Trivia Game to middle schoolers. Likewise, Molly’s THY Advisor at Hilton Head Christian Academy, expressed Molly’s passion for promoting positive lifestyles, citing Molly’s involvement in representing THY at the local American Suicide Prevention Walk and Peer-to-Peer stress project video for high schoolers at HHCA..To view the complete Google Slide Presentation highlighting Ethan, Rosario, and Molly’s participating in THY and LCAHY Click Here.