Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) created awareness for May Mental Health Awareness Month via social media posts. A Teens for Healthy Youth representative from a faith-based school connected mental health messages with positive scripture verses to share with her peers via Cross Schools Instagram and THY’s Instagram. These scripture messages can be adapted for use by faith-based groups in the community. A THY representative from one of the public schools used a secular message to encourage peers to manage stress in healthy ways via Instagram posts. Teens for Healthy Youth is an initiative of the Low Country Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY). Peer-to-peer education is an activity in LCAHY’s 12-Month Action Plan under Strategy 2- Enhance Skills.

Aya Banigbe developed social media posts with positive Bible verses to promote positive teen health during May Mental Health Awareness Month.

Cross Schools THY encouraged their peers to reach out for help to promote mental health.

Cross Schools THY promoted self-love to help students cope with stress.

Teens for Healthy Youth addressed stress during May by developing posts that gave 12 positive ways to cope with stress. See posts below.