Teens for Health Youth (THY) members at Cross Schools visited all 7th-12th-grade classrooms to present a brief presentation about coping with stress, especially during exam time. They distributed THY’s Coping with Exam Stress Fact Card to 160 students. Social media posts were developed by THY members and posted on Cross Schools THY Instagram with reminders about how to avoid, handle, and cope with stress year-round. THY’s Stress Fact Card for Educators was also distributed to the faculty & staff at Cross Schools. Providing information on related risk factors is included in Lowcountry Alliance’s mission statement and is an activity in LCAHY’s 12-month Action plan under Strategy 1, Providing Information, in the Seven Strategies of Community Level Change. Teens for Healthy Youth, an initiative of LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth, works to promote positive teen health.
