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Teens for Healthy Youth Create an Awareness for January Mental Wellness Month

During January Mental Wellness Month, Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) developed their own Instagram postings to create ways to practice mental wellness in the New Year. One topic addressed was managing stress, worry, and grief. THY also shared LCAHY’s E-news in Bluffton High School’s Parent Newsletter, which included LCAHY’s Latino Youth Stress and Mental Health Fact Card. To read LCAHY’s E-News click here. Teens for Healthy Youth, is an initiative of LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth.

THY Instagram messages shared with peers that list ways to promote one’s mental health.

THY Instagram messages give tips on healthy ways to address stress, worry, grief, and anxiety.

Teens for Healthy Youth shared information during January Mental Wellness Month in the school Parent Newsletter. One resource shared was LCAHY’s Latino Youth Stress and Mental Health Fact Card in English and Spanish.


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