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LCAHY We ID Signage at RBC Heritage Pro Golf Tournament • 04/14/2019 – 04/20/2019

The LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) provided education and signage to the Island Recreational Center staff and leadership prior to the annual weeklong Heritage Golf Tournament. The training focused on properly checking IDs and not providing alcohol to minors. Participants were educated on the laws. And in turn, Island Rec trained their volunteers for the major PGA event, at which youth have illegally accessed alcohol in the past. At the concession tent the Island Recreation Center displayed the LCAHY signage that read, “We know the law, do you?”, “Are you 21?”, and “No ID=No sale”. The annual Heritage Golf Tournament includes roughly 135,000 visitors. Most volunteers and vendors receive limited training and education regarding checking IDs and not providing to alcohol. The LCAHY plans to change this by providing additional education to vendors and volunteers that sell and distribute alcohol prior to next year’s golf tournament. The LCAHY is a recipient of the drug free communities grant and is dedicated to uniting the community to promote positive choices.


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