November 2019
Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) at Hilton Head Christian Academy collected donations from their peers for a dress down day and used the proceeds to purchase Walmart gift cards for the Department of Social Services to give to local children in foster care. THY chose this service project because children in foster care have a higher likelihood of substance use. According to a report in the APA Monitor on Psychology, as the opioid epidemic has grown, so has the number of youth that end up in foster care because of parental drug use. In addition, Teens for Healthy Youth at Bluffton High and Hilton Head Preparatory School collaborated to develop a Teens for Healthy Youth holiday recipe book and LCAHY information brochure that was distributed during the Oscar Frazier Community Thanksgiving Dinner and given to foster families that attended the event. Through the distribution of the LCAHY brochures, the coalition hopes to develop an awareness of the coalition and resources available on the LCAHY website that promotes positive youth development. THY plans do a collaborate holiday service project annually.

Reese Marcotte helped develop the THY holiday recipe book for foster families.