April 6th, 2020

LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) launched a radio PSA, a TV commercial, and a Facebook ad addressing COVID-19 risks. See the links below. LCAHY’s goal is to educate our youth and the community on the health risks that smoking or vaping poses as related to the Coronavirus. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), because the Coronavirus disease attacks the lungs, the virus that causes (COVID-19) could be a serious threat to those who smoke tobacco, or marijuana, or who vape. The ad also stresses the importance of each sector talking to youth early and often about the health risks of smoking, vaping, and other substance uses pose to teen health. The purpose of LCAHY’s public health awareness message is to raise awareness and increase knowledge of this important health issue leading to changing attitudes and behaviors. This public health awareness message is part of LCAHY’s broader and ongoing public health social marketing campaign, which asks the community to send clear messages about the dangers of youth substance use and prompts the community to be part of the solution. See LCAHY’s campaign message below. The analytics of the media campaign is currently being collected. Additionally, LCAHY recognizes that the uncertainty of COVID-19 and psychological responses to isolation and stress may lead to anxiety, depression, and drug and/or alcohol use. LCAHY will continue to assess its social marketing campaign messaging during COVID-19.