May 2021

During the May Bluffton Town Council Meeting, the mayor issued a proclamation joining LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth in raising awareness about positive mental health and substance abuse prevention. The proclamation acknowledged May as Mental Health and Substance Abuse Awareness Month and declared May 9th- May 15th, 2021 as National Prevention Week in the Town of Bluffton. During National Prevention Week, Joy Nelson, the media representative on the LCAHY Board, gave an interview on WHHI to create awareness for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Awareness Month. She also highlighted the accomplishments and efforts of Teens for Healthy Youth to address mental health and substance use issues. To view her interview, go to Additionally, Teens for Healthy Youth at May River High School created an awareness of National Prevention Week’s daily themes by developing their own morning announcements for students that reflected the daily NPW themes.
LCAHY sent an E-News Alert promoting May Mental Health Awareness Month and National Prevention Week, which provided information and resources.
National Mental Health and Substance Use Prevention Proclamation – Town of Bluffton