Audrey Weidner Recognized as LCAHY’s Outstanding Senior Award Recipient 2020-2021
May 21, 2021
Audrey Weidner was recognized by LowCountry Alliance for Healthy Youth (LCAHY) for her dedication and service to LCAHY and Teens for Healthy Youth (THY). The LCAHY Outstanding Senior Award is awarded annually to an individual of LCAHY’s Youth coalition, Teens for Healthy Youth, that promotes positive teen health and choices through leadership, community service, peer to peer

education, and advocacy. Audrey Weidner was chosen by the selection committee for her extensive and enthusiastic role as a youth member of the LCAHY Board, for her participation in LCAHY/THY community events, and for her leadership in THY at Bluffton High School throughout her high school career. LCAHY’s Youth coordinator highlighted Audrey’s accomplishments during the LCAHY Recognition Event via Zoom and the LCAHY Board thanked Audrey for her numerous contributions to the coalition. Audrey’s THY Advisors noted that Audrey was exceptional in educating her peers on the dangers and risks of drugs. Audrey was also highlighted for her active participation in community forums and for representing THY’s youth voice in television interviews. She volunteered to distribute coalition Rx Facts at the DEA’s National Take Back Day, conducted alcohol and tobacco environmental scans in Bluffton and Hilton Head, and accepted a proclamation on behalf of LCAHY/THY issued by the Town of Bluffton during National Prevention Week, among other accomplishments. During COVID, she created videos to help her peers cope with stress in healthy ways and engaged in a youth leadership training to increase her knowledge and skills when conducting peer-to-peer education. Audrey will attend USCB in the fall and plans to pursue a career in nursing. Audrey hopes it will be possible to continue working with the coalition while at college and would like to start a college-level prevention program for her peers at USCB.