THY May River High Educate Peers about Teen Dating Violence & Promote Random Acts of Kindness Week Via Student News
Teens for Healthy Youth (THY) at May River High School educated their peers about Teen Dating Violence and promoted Random Acts of Kindness Week through May River Shark Student News during February. THY members made their peers and teachers aware that many teens are affected by teen dating violence (TDV) and informed peers that drugs or alcohol use can make the situation even worse. They also provided a help hotline number for their peers to call if affected by TDV. In addition, THY used the student news as an opportunity to make their school aware of Random Acts of Kindness Week and provided teens with examples of kind acts they could engage to promote kindness. THY plans to promote National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week through the student news, too. MRHS student news reaches approximately 1,600 students and around 200 faculty/staff members. THY is dedicated to promoting total wellness through peer-to-peer education. THY MRHS videos can be viewed at TDV Video and RKW video.